Sunday, January 24, 2010

If Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin were to go out hunting together?

Which one of them would come back alive? Also, explain your reasoning if you can.If Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin were to go out hunting together?
Palin would have Cheney field dressed and strapped to the hood of her car.

Palin knows how to handle a gun. Cheney obviously doesn't.If Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin were to go out hunting together?
I recommend that anyone who goes hunting with Cheney make sure that all of their paperwork and final wishes are in order before they venture off into the woods with him.
We could only hope for the best and neither of them return. My scenario has Cheney accidently shooting Palin as he tries to cover it up (Scooter can't help him this time.) he keels over from his bad ticker.
Cheney would shoot a ';quail';.

Palin would shoot a ';moose';.
neither would come back

they're so stupid they'd shoot each other

or palin shoots cheney then gets run over by a moose
Hopefully, neither. With a little luck, they'd shoot each other at the same time. :)
Sarah Palin doesn't miss. I think that speaks for itself.
The ONLY thing ';Big Dick'; would be hunting with his pardner is beaver!
Does it matter it is the obamas that will get us killed,
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