More game has been harvested with the 30-30 than any other caliber, Disclaimer: In North America.
Your best bet for ammo would be the Hornady Leverevolution, your ranger is plenty capable of taking the higher pressures that the ammo operates under.I want to know if my Winchester ranger 30-30 is a good hunting gun for deer?
The majority of Deer are harvested within 100 yards or less.* I prefer the heaviest grain bullet myself. Your 30-30 is ideal for your purpose.*
it is one of the all time best it has propably killed more deer than any other cal. there are better cal. out there but it is still a really good one.
Hi Anthony. Yes, the .30-30 is a good deer gun so long as you do your part and use it within its effective range of say 150 yards or so.
Your Winchester being a tubular magazine model requires flat, or blunt round nose ammo to preclude the possibility of the sharp nose detonating the forward bullet in the magazine. Hornady makes a safe round especially for these types of rifles that has a polymer tip. I haven't tried it yet, since I haven't hunted with a .30-30 since I was a teenager (a looong time ago!).
On the strength of the other posters (Zastava 7 n JD) who in the past have offered solid advice, this new Hornandy round is the one I'd use if I were to take out either one of my 'thurty-thurties' outta of mothballs to hunt with. In fact I might, just to try out this new ammo.
Along with the Marlin 336 in 30-30, the Model 94 Winchester are two of the most popular deer rifles ever produced in the USA.
yeah, 30-30s are one of the most preferred guns by hunters
Man, more deer have been taken by a .30-30 than any other gun. However, the .30-30 is generally limited to shots no farther away than 150 yards. 100 yards is a better range. I haven't owned a .30-30 in several years and, consequently, haven't looked at the price for the ammo so I don't know what you will have to pay. The selection in .30-30 bullets is somewhat limited because of the way the cartridges are stacked end to end in the magazine. Almost all .30-30 bullets will be either a round nose or a flat nose for this reason. Since you will be limiting your shots to under 150 yards, it doesn't make that much difference which you choose
ZASTAVA is correct, the venerable old 30-30 has taken more deer than any other cartridge. The ';Ranger'; model by Winchester, is their ';budget'; line of rifles. In other words the were just plain ';meat and potatoes'; guns for those on a budget. If your firearm is in good condition, I would also recommend the new ';leverrevolution'; ammo. It is designed with new powders that give it more range, with no additional pressure. In addition, it has a new polymer soft tip designed specifically to be fired in tubular magazine type rifles That allows the use of a more ';pointed'; and ballistic better performing bullet. It turns your 30-30 from a 100 yard hunting rifle, to a 2oo yard rifle.
In the last 111 years, there have probably been more deer killed with rifles chambered for .30-30 WCF than any two other calibers combined.
As for bullet choice, don't as us, ask your rifle.
Get a box of as many different bullet weights and types as you can find and see which bullet weight it shoots best. Most M-94's do well with 170 grain or 150 grain bullets. My personal preference is for the 170 gr. SoftPoints. I load my own, so I can't tell you anything about prices.
30-30 will get your buck within 150 yards. No questions asked.
As others have mentioned, track down a box of the LeverEvolution ammo and you'll be all set.
If your local sporting goods/gun store lacks it has it.
any bullets will work and yes its a good deer gun its taken MANY deer for 20 or 30 yeas
I'm with Zastava on the Hornady Leverevolution series bullets. The 30-30 loads with Polymer Tips are not only safer to handle, but the really perform well in most Lever action Firearms...Like Doc also mentioned, It never hurts to try several different brands to find out what shoots best out of your Ranger rifle.Good Luck!
*NOTE The Polymer-Tipped/ Hornady Leverevolution Ammunition costs about $18 per box of 20 rounds (I like the 160 grain bullets)
Zastava7 got it right. After you take it out to the range and sight it in, practice a little, and have a great time in the woods.
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